The Church of 
St. Bartholomew
A Catholic Community
In the Archdiocese of
New York

                       Family Life Commission



A. Membership And Officers

  1. The Family Life Commission shall be composed of ten (10) members of the parish, the pastor, and the associate pastor. 
  2. Members must be in good standing with the Church, and must be Communicants. If married, they must be wedded in the Church, and if single or divorced, must not be living with any partner.
  3. The pastor, in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council and the Stewardship Committee, shall appoint members to the Commission.  
  4. The Commission shall have three co-chairpersons, appointed by the pastor. One of the co-chairs may serve as the recorder or the Commission members may elect another member. The term for the officers shall be a three-year term, renewable once. 
  5. Members’ term shall be a three-year term, renewable once. The terms of service should be staggered.
  6. Balanced representation from various segments of a parish's population is desirable: individuals of both genders and from different cultural backgrounds; both married and single persons; longstanding parishioners as well as newcomers (new parishioners can often offer fresh, valuable perspectives).


B. Qualities Needed in Family Life Commission Members

  1. They must be knowledgeable in their faith as Catholics, or at least be eager and open to learn more about their faith.
  2. They must be regular at Mass attendance and the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confession, and show interest in deepening their relationship with God. 
  3. They must show a deep commitment and concern to family life and issues facing families.
  4. They must have the enthusiasm to share the teachings of the Catholic Faith with others by word and deed; and an active engagement in, and concern about, the life of the parish.
  5. They must be people who follow through on what they have agreed to do. Therefore, any member who misses too many meetings or does not follow up on what they agreed to do, shall be asked to step down and a replacement appointed by the pastor.
  6. If single, must not be cohabiting with anyone, and if married, must be wedded in the Church.

C. Meeting

  1. The Co-chairs shall appoint one person among themselves to chair the meetings or take turns chairing the meetings.
  2. Meetings shall be held monthly or bi-monthly depending on the needs.
  3. The Commission is well served by dedicating a portion of its meeting time for the purposes of shared learning and dialogue on things that pertain to family life. Agendas should begin with a meaningful encounter with the Lord in prayer, followed by an opportunity to grow in faith and understanding, such as meditatively reading the upcoming Sunday gospel, sharing on a point from Church documents on the family. After prayer and study, then the meeting should proceed with a reasonable list of topics to be addressed.

D. Other relevant matters

  1. The three co-chairs shall represent the Commission on the Parish Pastoral Council. The task for the representatives is not only to report and represent the work of the commission, but to learn and convey back to the commission the issues, works and concerns of the Parish Pastoral Council and its other commissions.
  2. The Commission carries out its responsibilities in a spirit of collaboration with the pastor, the parish staff, the Parish Pastoral Council, and the wider parish community. The commission also has a collaborative relationship with other parish commissions.
  3. Members of the Commission are to be mindful of reaching out to every segment of the parish and listening to their input, recognizing how much it means to parishioners when they have a sense that they can share their concerns and ideas, and that they are valued.

                                                                           Long-term Goals/Responsibilities

  1. On going assessment of current strengths and needs within the parish with regard to families and family life in general.
  2. Develop long-range and short-range goals and plans for parish family life programs, providing for a comprehensive approach for all ages and stages of life. The Commission will periodically review and evaluate progress towards these goals and objectives
  3. Develops and recommends to the parish council policies regarding families and the promotion of family life and values which are consistent with archdiocesan policies and guidelines. It will assist in communicating the policies, and monitoring their implementation.
  4. Provides the Commission’s budge priorities to the Finance Council
  5. Recruiting parishioners into various family ministries, and forming them into skilled and knowledgeable ministers. These will be parishioners who are witnesses to the Gospel, active in parish life and faithful to the teachings of the Church.
  6. A safe environment program is provided and background checks are done for all employees and volunteers according to diocesan polices and curriculum.                                          
  7. The Commission may sponsor and participate in events and activities that pursue the goals and objectives of the Commission.
  8. Identify needs of families in the parish.


                                                           Family Life Commission Co-Chair Position Description

Reports to:         Pastor and Parish Pastoral Council

 General Responsibilities of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair

Specific Responsibilities of Family Life Commission Co-Chairs:

  • Explore activities and presentations that will help parish families to live out their vocation more fully. 
  • Explore activities and presentation that will help each parish population to live out their vocation more fully.
  • Explore activities and presentations that will help St. Bart’s continue to grow into a loving, welcoming, nurturing family.

Special Activities

  • Host an orientation for new ministers
  • Attend Annual parish Leadership training
  • Attend annual parish Ministry Recollection Day
  • Annual Parish Ministry Appreciation Dinner
  • Help with Annual Stewardship Fair

Time of Commitment

  • At least 4 Commission meetings per year.
  • Attend PPC monthly meetings, lasting at least ah hour.
  • Allocate time to help (on limited bases) the various ministries under the Commission to plan events and programs that will benefit their population. In this regard, each Co-Chair shall be responsible for a number of ministries, thus eliminating the problem of having all Co-Chairs at every events and meetings of the ministries.

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair:

Specific Qualifications Required:

  • Practices the Catholic faith through regular attendance at liturgy and reception of the Sacraments.
  • Must come from a family that at least strives to live an exemplary Catholic life.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with Pastor, Parish Staff and Parish Committees.
  • Ability to coordinate efforts by multiple workgroups.

                                                  Family Life Commission Member Position Description

Reports to:         Co-Chairs of the Commission

General Responsibilities of Every Commission & Council Member:

Specific Responsibilities of Family Life Commission Member

  • Strive to participate in the activities of the ministries under the Commission, supporting them by physical presence as well as moral support.
  • Help listen to and find out the problems families and their members go through so as to bring them to the Commission for discussion and possible solutions or at least help.
  • Help explore activities and programs that will help the families served.

 Special Activities

  • Attend annual parish Ministry Recollection Day
  • Annual Parish Ministry Appreciation Dinner
  • Help with Annual Stewardship Fair


  • Quarterly
  • As needed – depending on the activities of the Commission

Expected Length of Commitment

  • A three-year term, renewable for a second term.

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Member:

  • Specific Qualifications Required
  • Practices the Catholic faith through regular attendance at liturgy and reception of the Sacraments.
  • Must come from a family that at least strives to live an exemplary Catholic life.
  • Ability to coordinate efforts by multiple workgroups.

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